About Us

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Tracy, and I live in a small town in Manitoba.  I'm a full time analyst by trade, an artist (painting and metal art), and now a natural skin care product producer.

I make every product, in my home, in small batches, and use as many organic and natural ingredients as I can grow or source.  

I went through a traumatic car accident that changed the trajectory of my life.  It resulted in 5 surgeries over 9 years, and much rehabilitation.  Part of that rehabilitation was gardening. 

I've always been involved in gardening, from a young age, although I didn't appreciate it when I was young.  My Mom had beautiful flower gardens, and prolific vegetable gardens, and I was forced to weed and water, which I did not enjoy. When I got my first home, I started to learn to garden.  It began with small flower beds and a vegetable garden, that each year grew, and grew, and grew. 

While recovering from surgeries, and strengthening my body, gardening became my therapy. I grew many vegetables, and began with some pretty flowers.  Then I met Calendula.  Having a lot of time on my hands, I began to learn about the benefits of this powerhouse flower, for the skin. 

I have dealt with very sensitive skin and allergies for most of my life.  My skin would react, get hives, dry patches, acne...you name it.  When I learned about Calendula, I made my first skin salve.  I took a bunch of dried flowers, put them in some Sweet Almond Oil, and let it sit for 8 weeks.  I strained it and added beeswax.  Well, maybe a little too much beeswax. So then I added more oil, until it was actually spreadable.  I began using this salve on my skin, and I never turned back.  I gave it to friends and family, and they kept asking for more.

I was addicted! I studied and learned about the benefits of other plants (or weeds to some people) for the skin, and for general health.  Wow, that opened up a can of worms.  I started studying more and spending long days in the forest learning to identify what mother nature provides for us.  I started foraging, and then my garden expanded to only plant things that we could eat, or would be of use medicinally in teas or tinctures, or topically in oil infusions.  That led to me creating my formulations.

I learned how herbs benefit the skin, what oils are best for the skin (absorption, comedogenic levels, nutrients etc.).  I gave samples to friends who gave me feedback until I had each item perfected.  Friend and family began asking me if I'd sell my products.  I hadn't even considered that, but now, here we are. 

That leads to today. I am happiest, barefoot in my gardens, covered in dirt from head to toe, spending time with family and friends, walking in the forest looking at mushrooms or hugging a tree, in my workspace creating, in my art room painting, in my metal shop manipulating metal, meditating, or just looking at the beauty that surrounds us everywhere.  I am so blessed, and so grateful to be on this journey. Who knew life could be so beautiful!

I'm starting with a small list of products, and constantly formulating to create more products to help peoples skin.  Your skin is the largest organ in your body and absorbs everything you put on it.  I hope your skin loves these products as much as mine does.

Next I will be adding art products (paintings and metal are) as they become available, and once I figure out how to package and ship them efficiently.

Please note: as I make each product by hand, in small batches to ensure freshness (no preservatives are used), if there is no stock listed, please allow a couple weeks for delivery, as I will need to make a new batch.  I do not create large batches as these products have a shelf life of 12 to 18 months and I want to ensure you receive the freshest product possible.

Thank you for joining me on my herbal and art journey. My heart goes into each and every item.  Much love!
